April 23, 2020
With Asian American discrimination and hate on the rise, over 1,000 reports filed to Stop AAPI Hate since March. Some of these reports include:
- "My niece was at a local grocery store today and this lady spat on an Asian family after insulting them by stating that coronavirus was their fault. It’s unbelievable where we are. I hope the store is going to make sure charges are brought against this woman. That kind of behavior is completely unacceptable."
- "We were having community circle in our grade 4 classroom. One of the students said "Kill the Chinese" in Spanish when it was his turn to speak. Many of the Spanish speaking children laughed. I asked to have what he said translated. I explained to the class that the statement was offensive and not part of our norms for community circle. I brought it to the principal's attention and she spoke to the student."
- "Overheard in public restroom “Thank God no Chinese children were at soccer practice to infect others.” Tried to correct aspersion, but totally ignored by white patron."
- "I was live tweeting from a town hall on Anti-Asian Racism with a picture of the opening slide and tweeted "#AntiAsianRacism town hall happening now! Much needed perspective during this time." and someone replied and said "Shut up and make some fried rice you bitchy POS.”"
The full reports from April can be read below.
Additionally, many celebrities are taking a stand and sharing their stories, one of which is John Cho. His full essay can be read below.
- “我的侄女今天在当地的一家杂货店,这位女士在侮辱了一个亚洲家庭后向他们吐口水,说冠状病毒是他们的错。我们现在的处境令人难以置信。我希望商店能确保对这个女人提起诉讼。那种行为是完全不能接受的。”
- “我们四年级的教室里有一个社区圈。其中一个学生在轮到他发言的时候用西班牙语说了一句“杀了中国人”。许多说西班牙语的孩子笑了。我要求翻译他说的话。我向全班同学解释说,这种说法是冒犯性的,不属于我们的社区规范。我提请校长注意,她对学生说"
- “在公共休息室无意中听到”感谢上帝没有中国孩子在足球训练中传染他人。"试图纠正诽谤,但被白人赞助人完全忽视了."
- “我在一个市政厅现场发了一条关于反亚洲种族主义的推特,上面有一张开场幻灯片的照片,我还发了条推特“#反亚洲种族主义市政厅正在发生!这段时间非常需要的视角。有人回答说:“闭嘴,做点炒饭,你这个婊子。""